Hot Topics!

Mar 14, 2014

Is GOD a Man, a Woman, OR a Ball Of Light??

Hey RaeCass Fans!!

I was just thinking to my self...

What is God?

   So many people, will refer to GOD as a "He, Him" But depending on what religion you are from or what beliefs you have GOD might very well be a "She,Her". and too others GOD just is!

So, To all of you out there... What is GOD?

Is GOD a Man ------>
Morgan Freeman Plays GOD in Bruce Almighty!

Is GOD a Woman?------>

Alanis Morrisette Plays GOD on Dogma

Is GOD... Just IS? ------>

While writing this blog.. I came across this  answer to what GOD is, it's almost like GOD sent this straight to me.

I agree. God is simply LOVE

Mar 12, 2014

Lindsey Lohan, Oprah & AA ???

Getting it Turned UP!

Okay, RaeCass Fans..

                 I was reading an online post about this Lindsey Lohan... And After what I read my Bullshit meter was hitting red and  I decided ... I gotta blog about this sh*t. smh!


Let's jump right into this!

Lindsey Lohan is saying that despite not going to AA meetings, as seen in the first episode of Lindsey.. Which is a show Oprah GAVE her and PAID her 2 MILLION $ to do.. SMH a waste of MONEY .. Poor investment..IMHO  BUT  I digress... She claims she doesn't need AA meeting.... 

Even Oprah is giving Lindsey Lohan the side EYE!

Let me break this down for you.. The reason why Lilo feels like she can miss AA meeting because AA meeting are for alcoholics which she is not!

Don't Be Shocked now..

Yes... Why would someone with a DRUG addiction go to AA? That's like an alcoholic going to rehab for crack.. Doesn't make sense....

Just yall wait.. I'm sure there will be an expose` on it so enough....

We still LOVE U!

Just.. Pull it together.. No more Lies..

F**k I devices!

RaeCass Fans! I know you guys are probably like, " what is she talking about?."  Well , Let me explain.

    This company has done nothing wrong to me directly. My outrage at this company is because of it's nut riding customers.. You know those people who like all "I devices" just because it's an "I device" no real logic or thought just nut riding with the current trend.

Facts: Before the Nut riders boarded the "I devices" train, Faithful users who been with this company before the trend hit use to relax with the thought of a virus-free life, no anti virus software, no scanners nothing!
am I wrong? Not now tho, Thanks to those damn Nut riders "I device"  users have to have anti virus software now! F**king nut riders for you...

 Posers-  Nothing more I hate than Posing ass Nut riders! How you going to buy the "I  earbuds" and plug them into an  MP3 player that cost 20.00$ ?? smh. Thank GOD that Trend is over!

The "I device" customer becomes so full of themselves, they themselves become Assholes.. Let me explain, everyone if not everyone at least I encountered a friend or two at work who would compare phones with you and try to convince you why them  spending anywhere from 300+$ on an device that will be obsolete in 2 weeks was so "awesome" and why YOU should get one too "because it's a I device." F**k you, why should I waste money on a product that's going to be irrelevant next month? smh..


I Device user! YOU Suck! The I device company has to keep updating their phones to remain relevant. Let them not drop a new device in 6 mths I bet they will end up going bankrupt!

So again : NOTHING against the company... it's the douche bag customers it attracts or creates.

Agree ? Disagree?

Mar 10, 2014

8 Reasons why YOU should invest in water!

Here are 8 reasons why YOU should invest in water:

Reason # 1:

Water is the only elemental force (in comparison with fire, wind, or earth) that can change from it's liquid state to a solid one.

Reason # 2 :

 Water does a body good! It quiches your thirst. Everybody drinks water! And water is more convenient since it comes in a handy bottle.

Reason # 3 :

Water was the ORIGINAL instant message. People used water to carry messages, stories that needed to be told for years; water till this day still holds many  mysteries.

Reason # 4 :

Water can be manipulated and creative, water can become a work of art.

Reason # 5:

Only water can create such beauty, such wonder.

Reason # 6:
Water has healing properties in it's purest form, no minerals no extra stuff just regular water.  Did you know that depression and fatigue can often be cured by drinking a glass or two of water?Depression and fatigue can often be symptoms of dehydration.

Reason # 7:

Without water what would children swim in? seaweed?

Reason # 8 :

Water always makes time to wave! Water is so friendly!

Mar 6, 2014

How to become a Natural Person!

I was surfing the internet as I usually do and I stumbled upon this very interesting video!

Video Below.

Are you a natural person?

Or are you a clone?

So, after watching that video.... It got me thinking, Now that I know I am a "Natural Person."
I should have some kind of privilege, So I wondered, I am a "Natural Person." with "Artificial Person Debt."  How can I change this! I am not who they say I am. So What now?!

I am no longer apart of  that status QUO 

I am no longer a SHEEPLE ! I am a Shepherd to the Masses!

Now that YOU seen this POST ... Only ONE question remains....

Red Pill or Blue Pill

Comment and Share!

Stay Natural !

How to lose your mind in 10 days : Day 3

Hello All!

Hope you guys enjoy taking this journey with me!!

Day 3 Video Below

All Smiles from Me!!- Cass!

Ready to laugh with me ?

Mar 4, 2014

What Now?

    Life can bring you to some scary places... I don't mean scary like OMG a ghost. I mean emotionally scary. It happens more often than not, You love someone truly love them, you want to spend every second with them via phone via text or in person. It's like you guys are in this perfect timeless bubble on cloud 9. Then you break up and the love is gone.. What now?

I can't help but to feel like this..
What now?

  • Have you ever felt like this?
Just when you think you have everything covered.. Just when you think you dotted all your I's and crossed all your T's... Just in that moment of peace and content. There goes drama knocking on your door...

  • What now America?
  • What now RaeCass Fans?
  • What now...

Tell me Have you ever had a What now feeling?

Mar 3, 2014

How to Lose your mind in 10 days : Day 2

Here is Day 2 of  " How to lose your mind in 10 days."?

I hope you enjoy the video as much as I did making it !

Video Below

How to lose your mind in 10 days : Day 2 ( if video doesn't load click here)

Keep us posted reader!

We would love to know how YOU are doing during this 10 day challenge!

Please don't hesitate to tell us how you feel.

Leave in the comments  what YOU are trying to change.

Mar 1, 2014

How to Lose Your Mind In 10 Days...

So, You decided to lose your mind and create a new one.  *Congratulations*    But for those of  you who might be thinking what exactly is that?. I will explain......

Losing your mind is letting go of your old way of thinking...

I guess it is sorta like spring cleaning for your mind!

Everyday over the next 10 days I will release slideshows / videos with tips to bring you closer to a

Let's take this Journey Together!

     In the comments share what you wouldn't mind changing about yourself?

Video Below 

Feb 26, 2014

Illuminati Speaks!

Hello Everyone here is Part 2 to my findings.

    As you may or may not have read, in my last post concerning the "Illuminati", Several anonymous posters warned me to discontinue in my search for the truth. I am sure none of this is a surprise to you, the reader. If you want to go check out my last blog and read the comments please do.... Some of the comments are pretty weird huh?

  Let's dive right into this thing shall we?

     If you aren't aware already, there is a new 100 Dollar bill . What is interesting with this new bill is what future it tells once folded in the right way. Once the Bill is folded it is suppose to show NYC being flooded. Now as you can see in the  right hand corner the 10 is upside down. (Google this to find out more)

Looks more familiar now?

Since 9/11 there has been reports of varies people folding the money and making discoveries such as this.

Crazy huh, but that sad part is that I am not surprised.

Here is the last photo:

         Again I am not pushing anyone to believe me, or to consider this. But, It seems the "Illuminati" Is speaking to one another, they are warning one another thru the money that is in your pocket now. I post pictures instead of, paragraph after paragraph of my own thoughts and opinions, because I am a dot connector, I believe everyone should follow their own bread crumbs, I am just showing you the reader what is out there.

              America has been asleep for far too long. It is time for us to wake up as a people. We are the enemy, we are attacking ourselves. Our children are missing, Our economy is falling, Our money  value is dropping, the financial institution is collapsing.

 The question you the reader should ask yourself is:   
  • What is the connection between the economy falling and children missing?
  • The "Illuminati" are allowing themselves to be seen, but why?  what else are they trying to hide?
  • Why do we constantly need "new" money?
  • What is going on in Hollywood?
  • Last, but not least. Does it make sense?

     I challenge you the reader again, help me on my quest for the truth, I am not here to judge the "Illuminati". I am here as a voice for the innocent, the blissfully unaware. It's time to wake up sheeple!

America, Are you tired of being victims ?

Feb 18, 2014

Visit Us Live Streaming !!!   Make a YouTube Channel and watch us live stream We Will Be Live Streaming On The Weekends !!

RHOA: Saving our Daughters Dishing the TEA!

Okay, I was so team "Kenya" After Sunday's episode, I caught all kinds of feelings towards NeNe. I was Pro NeNE but I switched teams when I *thought* she was being unnecessarily rude to Ms. Moore.

Nene VS Kenya

So, I am curious and I went to Saving Our Daughters website, and the Shade of it all.. I will cut right to the chase, I am going to quote just a snippet from the Official Statement.

"   The light in which Saving Our Daughters was depicted was less than favorable. The organization received several calls from other supporters about our involvement in this event. They were extremely disappointed and felt that the organization was being taken advantage of.

We go on record by stating that we at Saving our Daughters have never and will not ever be involved in any drive where the exact purpose is not clear, stated or held to with only approved changes. We would not ever jeopardize our continuing support from our friends by being a part of what appears to have been tainted from the start.

In closing, Ms. Kenya Moore stated that thousands of dollars were raised at this event. To protect the integrity of Saving Our Daughters, our records show that we did not receive any of the proceeds raised from Ms. Moore’s masquerade ball.
However, we do appreciate the contribution we did receive of $500 for our annual Christmas doll drive for children with cancer."

Please click :The Thirst is real! for the full statement.

Okay did you just read that?

Okay Ms. Moore....

You feel that?

What You think? Let me know..

Feb 15, 2014


I just wanted to touch on a subject, I occasionally look into. I am in no way a "Conspiracy Theorist." But I do have an open mind. I have a curious mind, and when people are whispering about these sort of things, I don't quickly become dismissive and call them crazy. I listen to them, I want to gain more knowledge, more insight on the manner so I can become more informed. Whether it is true or not depends on which dots you are connecting. Or are you even paying attention.

    I am not here to convince anyone that this "Society" even exist or that any of this matters. But when I sat down and watch a few YouTube videos of Dave Chappelle, A red flag went up, and my ears turn into what he was saying, or more of what he wasn't saying was even more interesting. I do not know Dave Chappelle personally, But he doesn't strike me as someone who would just say things carelessly without meaning.

    Just to show my neutral option on this manner I will leave it up to you, the person who is reading this to find the clips on YouTube with Dave Chappelle explaining what happened to him. Again I am in no way a "Conspiracy Theorist". I am just a curious dot connecter, I see dots, I connect them. For myself.

The very Question that got me started, The very seed that I planted and now trying to feed is. Does it make sense. Somethings the media says, Somethings that are published. You the person reading this, Go on to any news website and read the headlines, glance at the stories. Does it make sense? What is going on that people are killing their children, The number of missing children are going up. Why? Where are these children?

I am NOT saying that one has anything to do with the other. What I am saying, Look passed the smoke screen AMERICA. Someone is dangling something shiny in our eyes and taking everything from us while we smile and grin and happily giving it away.

We allow someone elses cry for attention to consume us. Many Conspircy Theorist Believe that she is in this secret group and countless others. I am not here to agree or disagree. What I can say is she and everyone else is staying relevent because we are so invested and opinionated rightfully so, I don't know what anyone does behind closed doors, but what I can say is, This is the shiny thing that is being dangled, infront of your eyes, my eyes. We are focused on who is crazy, who is drunk, who got a DUI and who is worshiping the devil. But our children are missing, people are dying. Laws are being changed,some for the worse.Our freedoms being compromised.

 Freedom is an Illusion to the poor and a strategy game for the wealthy. Nothing says , "I'm free" Than being handcuffed to a dollar bill.

Someone once told me, "What you bow down to, is the god YOU serve." Now follow the dots, What you bow down to, Is what you put first in your life. What Do you the reader put first?

Yes, I am  Daring YOU to believe, I challenge you to wake up, and let's talk about the elephant in the room, Lets talk about what is really going on.