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Mar 1, 2014

How to Lose Your Mind In 10 Days...

So, You decided to lose your mind and create a new one.  *Congratulations*    But for those of  you who might be thinking what exactly is that?. I will explain......

Losing your mind is letting go of your old way of thinking...

I guess it is sorta like spring cleaning for your mind!

Everyday over the next 10 days I will release slideshows / videos with tips to bring you closer to a

Let's take this Journey Together!

     In the comments share what you wouldn't mind changing about yourself?

Video Below 


  1. I wouldn't mind changing my attitude and thinking positive.

    1. Thanks for the comment Tori. Are you ready to lose your mind with me over the course of 10 days? - Cass

  2. Also if you don't hear the sound please check the video and unmute it.- Cass

  3. I'm up for a 10 day challenge.

  4. I would like to loose my mind! Just rock out you know what I mean? I'm going through a lot my husband and I are going through a divorce and he hasn't been very pleasant. I feel like starting over and loosing my mind, just fuck everything.

    1. Thanks Anonymous,
      Sometimes in order to loose your old mind you have to say f ' it all!!! So walk your walk . Rae

    2. Hey Anonymous,
      Are you ready to lose your mind over the next 10 days with me? I would love for you to join this journey with us! - Cass

  5. I need new mind because my mind doesn't work for me anymore. . My mind is telling me to make stupid mistakes .

    1. When you say your mind is telling you to do the wrong thing, what do you mean? Rae

    2. Hey Anonymous,
      That's what this journey is about and we would love for you to join in this 10 day journey with us and come back everyday for new tips. - Cass

  6. Is everyone able to view the slide show? - Cass

  7. I am at my breaking point and I am willing to try something new. Rae Cass I am up for the challenge.


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