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Mar 12, 2014

Lindsey Lohan, Oprah & AA ???

Getting it Turned UP!

Okay, RaeCass Fans..

                 I was reading an online post about this Lindsey Lohan... And After what I read my Bullshit meter was hitting red and  I decided ... I gotta blog about this sh*t. smh!


Let's jump right into this!

Lindsey Lohan is saying that despite not going to AA meetings, as seen in the first episode of Lindsey.. Which is a show Oprah GAVE her and PAID her 2 MILLION $ to do.. SMH a waste of MONEY .. Poor investment..IMHO  BUT  I digress... She claims she doesn't need AA meeting.... 

Even Oprah is giving Lindsey Lohan the side EYE!

Let me break this down for you.. The reason why Lilo feels like she can miss AA meeting because AA meeting are for alcoholics which she is not!

Don't Be Shocked now..

Yes... Why would someone with a DRUG addiction go to AA? That's like an alcoholic going to rehab for crack.. Doesn't make sense....

Just yall wait.. I'm sure there will be an expose` on it so enough....

We still LOVE U!

Just.. Pull it together.. No more Lies..

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