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Feb 15, 2014


I just wanted to touch on a subject, I occasionally look into. I am in no way a "Conspiracy Theorist." But I do have an open mind. I have a curious mind, and when people are whispering about these sort of things, I don't quickly become dismissive and call them crazy. I listen to them, I want to gain more knowledge, more insight on the manner so I can become more informed. Whether it is true or not depends on which dots you are connecting. Or are you even paying attention.

    I am not here to convince anyone that this "Society" even exist or that any of this matters. But when I sat down and watch a few YouTube videos of Dave Chappelle, A red flag went up, and my ears turn into what he was saying, or more of what he wasn't saying was even more interesting. I do not know Dave Chappelle personally, But he doesn't strike me as someone who would just say things carelessly without meaning.

    Just to show my neutral option on this manner I will leave it up to you, the person who is reading this to find the clips on YouTube with Dave Chappelle explaining what happened to him. Again I am in no way a "Conspiracy Theorist". I am just a curious dot connecter, I see dots, I connect them. For myself.

The very Question that got me started, The very seed that I planted and now trying to feed is. Does it make sense. Somethings the media says, Somethings that are published. You the person reading this, Go on to any news website and read the headlines, glance at the stories. Does it make sense? What is going on that people are killing their children, The number of missing children are going up. Why? Where are these children?

I am NOT saying that one has anything to do with the other. What I am saying, Look passed the smoke screen AMERICA. Someone is dangling something shiny in our eyes and taking everything from us while we smile and grin and happily giving it away.

We allow someone elses cry for attention to consume us. Many Conspircy Theorist Believe that she is in this secret group and countless others. I am not here to agree or disagree. What I can say is she and everyone else is staying relevent because we are so invested and opinionated rightfully so, I don't know what anyone does behind closed doors, but what I can say is, This is the shiny thing that is being dangled, infront of your eyes, my eyes. We are focused on who is crazy, who is drunk, who got a DUI and who is worshiping the devil. But our children are missing, people are dying. Laws are being changed,some for the worse.Our freedoms being compromised.

 Freedom is an Illusion to the poor and a strategy game for the wealthy. Nothing says , "I'm free" Than being handcuffed to a dollar bill.

Someone once told me, "What you bow down to, is the god YOU serve." Now follow the dots, What you bow down to, Is what you put first in your life. What Do you the reader put first?

Yes, I am  Daring YOU to believe, I challenge you to wake up, and let's talk about the elephant in the room, Lets talk about what is really going on.


  1. You are on the right track.

    1. Thank you Anonymous, Sometimes you just have to follow the yellow brick road.- Cass

  2. Do as thy wilt!!! Some may confuse this as a demonic phrase however it's a free mind.. allow your walk to be without fear and you will succeed.

    1. Fear is an Imaginary Prison that stops us from being us. Free your mind.-Cass

  3. I see you reading, Let's talk about it America.- Cass

  4. I feel like these things been around for yrs and everyone has just been ignoring it. Rememberthe all seeing eye is everywhere... even these comments!

    1. If you believe the all seeing eye is everywhere, then whats the point in trying to hide.?

  5. I believe these are God's from space.

  6. I remember the all seeing eye... it's called Jesus. ...died on cross for all sins...

    1. This world is coming to an end real quick you think have a clue Cass and Rae you have no idea.

    2. Well. Explain? It's easy to say we have no idea, But offer some knowledge some insight.-Cass

  7. Explain to you? Why? You think you know the truth. I would be warn you to go no further.

    1. Do your research. It's more demonic then what you think, you still can't see the Devils hand guiding you right into this dark world.

    2. Go no further? I haven't went anywhere, I never said I knew the truth, I just dare America to ask The same question that I asked.. Does it all make sense.

    3. Keep looking for it...

    4. It all make sense. You wanted answers , right?

    5. Hey Anonymous,
      What have we done? I personally have no ideas at all for me it's purely topic of interest. .. Rae

    6. Look up spirit that needs no flesh but devours the soul. Black hands provoke the lamb.

  8. Wait a minute now... Black hands provoke the lamb? What is going on? Rae

    1. Yes the lamb! You dumb bitches are seeking but you really don't want answers. Read it !!!

  9. When you say it all make sense.. What does? what is the truth.-Cass

    1. Provoke the proverbs of the seekers and drown them in their own pollution. You say the door is close but provoke the dark hand....The demon is awake.

    2. Hey Anonymous,
      Here's the thing we are all just searching for the truth as for the doors and black hands and demon's. .. we don't so that... we work with the Big JC...

    3. Thanks for your opinion on the subject .Rae

  10. This blog was meant to stimulate conversation, I am not a Conspiracy theorist, I do not have a stand on this manner I am a neutral, I ran across something that made me think and I wanted to share it. But the crumbs you call yourself dropping off are negative. I am not opening a door to this.- Cass


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