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Feb 18, 2014

RHOA: Saving our Daughters Dishing the TEA!

Okay, I was so team "Kenya" After Sunday's episode, I caught all kinds of feelings towards NeNe. I was Pro NeNE but I switched teams when I *thought* she was being unnecessarily rude to Ms. Moore.

Nene VS Kenya

So, I am curious and I went to Saving Our Daughters website, and the Shade of it all.. I will cut right to the chase, I am going to quote just a snippet from the Official Statement.

"   The light in which Saving Our Daughters was depicted was less than favorable. The organization received several calls from other supporters about our involvement in this event. They were extremely disappointed and felt that the organization was being taken advantage of.

We go on record by stating that we at Saving our Daughters have never and will not ever be involved in any drive where the exact purpose is not clear, stated or held to with only approved changes. We would not ever jeopardize our continuing support from our friends by being a part of what appears to have been tainted from the start.

In closing, Ms. Kenya Moore stated that thousands of dollars were raised at this event. To protect the integrity of Saving Our Daughters, our records show that we did not receive any of the proceeds raised from Ms. Moore’s masquerade ball.
However, we do appreciate the contribution we did receive of $500 for our annual Christmas doll drive for children with cancer."

Please click :The Thirst is real! for the full statement.

Okay did you just read that?

Okay Ms. Moore....

You feel that?

What You think? Let me know..


  1. This So trifling.. We need Kenya to release a statement because ... If I am correct, defrauding a Charity is a crime that comes with jail time and a Fine!- Cass

  2. whelp, there you have it people!!! where did that money go? kenya, made it seem like she was DONATING to a foundation and her ass probably used that money to pay that very hefty car NOTE! trifling on a entire other level. IJS.. Rae

  3. she had to get gas for her Bentley.

    1. Maybe she used the money to help with the move..... Either way that was sad! IJS- Cass

    2. help her move her bentley

  4. that bitch is broke....

    1. She is... This show is the ONLY thing she got! And she wants to throw Nene under the bus BYE KENYA! - ijs Cass


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