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Feb 3, 2014

Winter Blues...

To Some People This is HEAVEN this white miracle falling from the sky is beauty, it's relaxing........

Meanwhile....You sitting in your car like this....
Or if you like me and you're prone to bouts of road rage.....You Look like this

And people are on facebook like this :

And THEN they want to post stuff like this:

Posting Pictures of they feet like this!:

Call me CRAZY!!! But I get so MAD I be like:

Agree with me or not Drop a Comment let me know how the winter is treating you?!


  1. So tired of all this fucking snow!! It's not cute, Cute is when it snows at Christmas or New Years. This Shit Ain't popping at all!

  2. I'm sick of living a life with no joy!!!! I'm lonely and confused and need help before I just die.

    1. Why do you feel like your life has no joy? - Cass

  3. What is making you feel this way?

  4. My ex left me but before he did he left a suprise he farted on my pillow and I had pink eyes for weeks what should I do in return

    1. If he left you, What else can you do, He is gone right? - Cass

    2. He comes back for his stuff slowly so I think it was him joking

    3. Wait.... What kind of fart was it??? I never heard of ppl farting and giving ppl Pink eye.- Cass

    4. U can't say kill ur self and be joking that's sick

    5. How did you know he farted on your pillow in the first place...LOL -Cass

    6. He always had Diarea Probblems

    7. Raecass what kind of name is that your no help

    8. Okay, Now... Don't get it twisted.... We are here to help, but your problem isn't a real one. How can you ask what kind of name is that when you can't even spell.. BYE FELICIA!!!

  5. you should ... change your pillowcase and kill that was good to funny... a good way to lighten the mood!!

  6. Bye girl/boy.... get yo ass on... you're silly! !! If someone farts on your pillow and you received pink eyes for wks than get rid of that filthy person.

    1. I'm askin raecass

    2. No.. You not asking US anything, U talking about filthiness... If your Man farted on your pillow and you got pink eye go to the doctor! If u want to get him back, throw his shit out the window so he can't fart on your things anymore, No More of that Back and fourth shit. Furthermore, If you ever come on this page thinking you going to get Ignorant your mistaken, computers have delete buttons, I will Ignore you and delete u, B/c NOBODY HAS TIME FOR THAT!- CASS

  7. Hey guys I'm very wealthy w/ 6 children but my husband and I are divorced I new man came and he always wants to cook for me and wants to help, to much with my kids should I break up with that man

  8. are you worried he's pedophile? like why would you break up with him?

    1. Sorry but I was hoping raecass could help me not you

  9. hey , thanks for joining us, this is Rae with RaeCass... I'm not sure why would you get rid of him? has he done something to make you suspicious of his actions?

    1. But I have six kids and why would he want someone with six kids and we only new each other for 2 months

    2. You don't think you are worthy of a man because you have 6 children? - Cass

    3. what are your concerns??? what has he done??? does he make you feel uneasy?? do you think he's after you for your money or for your children?

    4. It's sounds like Maybe he is trying to show you the fact that you have 6 children don't bother him.- Cass

    5. Thanks raecass I'll find someone who knows what I mean

    6. If you spoke plainly we could help you, You aren't painting the whole picture. It's like calling information and won't tell them what store you looking for but yet you want directions. - Cass

    7. you guys are idiots..

    8. I'm sorry YOU feel that way. - Cass

    9. listen now... we're not idiots .. and don't think you can come on our page disrespecting us because you can't explain your situation . Rae..

    10. You done messed around you got the wrong one killa

    11. what do you mean "we done messed around", is that a threat? Now listen carefully and here this clearly, we don't play that and punks step up to get beat down... so if you feeling froggy than leap. lol... on the real this is a fun site .. please no violence,.

    12. Ooohhh really you wants to fight now let me tell u something if u think u can talk to me like that u got another thing coming

    13. Hahaha, we cannot take you seriously!

    14. Now I got your ip adress raecass and I will find you and when I do you think about going on my site being direspectful missy

    15. There's fire in the water.... who likes that song? I've been totally obsessed with twilight. ...

    16. Who was on your site? YOU ON OUR SITE... How was we being disrespectful

    17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. I have an issue with men.. why are they so stupid... I've been with a man for several yrs and he hasn't asked me to marry him... yet. He continues to live in my house and make love to me 3 times a day... he demands I have sex with him.. I love him.. but I hate him at the same time.

  11. hola, I love her but my parents doesn't know I'm gay.. how do I come clean. I mean I'm a Christian I go to church every Sunday and bible studies yet I still desire her.. we go to the same bible classes.... help me.

  12. when you say he demands sex are you saying he forces you to have sex???? why are you staying if you don't love this man???

    1. no it's not that he forces me but he gives me guidelines that I must follow. I've been with him for several yrs.. I don't plan to leave him.. I mean should I???

    2. do you want to marry him?Rae

    3. What do you mean Guidelines, Are you a Sex Slave? Is this an S & M relationship? - Cass

    4. No we just very into each other and we made an agreement we would have sex several times a day if possible and we have been for 7 yrs ! I'm obsessed and so is he..

    5. it sounds like you guys belong together... ask him if you guys are ever going to married. it sounds like you want to get married. Rae..

    6. thanks guys!!! you rock.. I feel so much better about my situation.. I thought you guys were going to judge me.. I will tell my friends about you guys!!!!!!!! debbie

    7. Thanks Debbie! This is a Judgement free zone.

  13. sexuality is a challenging topic when it come's to Christianity .. here's my thought's you have to decide what's more important to you. your life is your own . I also had challenges with sexuality. you live for you . Rae

    1. she makes me happy and she's the 1st woman I've been with. we were planning to move into together but I got cold feet. I love her and she loves me... I'm going to tell my parent's ... I just need to know how I should do it.

    2. easiest way is to be straight and honest. go somewhere comfortable for you and put the cards on the table. Rae

    3. You should do it the best way you are comfortable... If you want to do it alone, You can. If you wish to have some support when you come out to your family, bring your partner if you think it would help.

    4. The best well to tell some news, that you think might cause some retaliation, Is a Public place, Out to a nice restaurant perhaps. - Cass

    5. I will take my parents out and tell them both, I will also take my girlfriend. Thank you!

    6. You welcome, and Good Luck! Please, come back with an update !

    7. Your parents already know....they are just waiting for the words to come from your mouth....

  14. valentine blues!!!! help..

    1. Hey Sweetie! Why do you have the Blues - Cass

    2. Awwwwwwwww! Valentine Blues. take yourself out and pamper yourself. Rae

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


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