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Feb 3, 2014

Welcome to : Diary Anonymous!

Welcome RaeCass Fans and RaeCass Soon to be Fans,

We thought it be a good idea, to have an open forum where anyone can post whatever they feel without having FaceBook and other social media all in your business. We Love telling it like it is, and some people would LOVE to tell it like it is, without having their business all over social media. Whether it's your thoughts from everyday life, or Political views, even if the chick at work is giving you the side eye, Express yourself and  Most importantly, Free YOURSELF from the PRISON that is Social Media!

And please.. Always Keep it 100, If you gonna tell it, Tell it all!

With Love,


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  1. So, Far So good on the page, it looks great! Keep up the good work.. Depending on how my day goes, I might be up here ranting soon enough especially with all this snow!

  2. I'm a grown ass 50yr women that keeps making the wrong choices in my life. I moved in with a man I starting dating after knowing him for 3 months. He was my next door neighbor. We started dating on his birthday and have been together every day since. He loves me & I love him. He works everyday, gives me all his money, always do things to make me happy. The problem is my grown children don't like him. He drinks everyday, but he never misses work. We really have a great time together. We both have had bad pass relationships. The biggest problem is he was drunk, snapped at me, grabbed me, shook me, his family broke it up before it got any worse. I left our home for a few hours, came back. He came back crying, pleading for my forgiveness. He said he has never been in love like this before and just don't know how to handle me. You see he is use to very big women (300 plus) very ugly with low self esteem. I am a very beautiful women, very shapely & I look very very young. And, I know who I am. And what I can do. The kind of women that when I walk in a room I stick out like a blinking red light. Every body says I should leave him. I wanted to leave also, but my heart just will not let me leave this man alone. Should I do what everybody wants me to do or follow my own heart and stick with this man???????

    1. For One I would like to commend you on your confidence in being a beautiful women. And secondly thank you for your bravery with sharing your story with us! I personally think, That if life taught me nothing else, is to follow your heart. I can tell you to leave your man, like everyone else been telling you, But You have to make the choices you are comfortable with, At the end of the day You have to live with those choices..

      Do you think him hitting you was just this one time? Or what would happen if next time his family wasn't there to break it up.

    2. I think it was the one time because he was very, very drunk. He didn't hit me, he only grabbed me an shook me.

    3. Yes, I am sorry I misread. So your saying this is an Isolated Incident? Has anything else happened, since this?

      But I wouldn't do you any justice, If I don't keep it real and tell you that any man putting his hands on you at all is a BIG red flag.

      No, I don't know you personally, But I don't want any women anywhere hurting..

    4. That's ok :-)
      No, nothing like that has happened again. It has seemed to make us closer. Like I said this is still a new relationship, even thou we live together we r still learning each other.

    5. Well, It sounds like you are in love with him, and if he loves you that's all that matters, No one else knows what goes on in your relationship but the two of you. I hope everything works out for the best! Everyone deserves to be happy.

    6. Thank you. I will keep praying for God to lead me in the right direction. Gonna make a lot of people mad but I have to do what I think is right for me today.....

    7. Dear Anon,

      There is people in the world that we meet which fall into 2 categories 1. People not worth it
      2. People Not Perfect

      Sounds like your man is not perfect, and no one is... there is no crime in having some flaws!

  3. Replies
    1. Good Afternoon! And welcome to : Diary Anonymous!

  4. I went through something similar, I was with this man for 4 yrs, and I loved him and he loved me, but much like the man your describing, it got physical, But Much like the women you describe in your post, I am a Plus size women.. not 300lbs Not low self esteem. But long story short It was me and him and mostly me! We never got into it like that again, when we see things getting too heated we take 5, Which was fine. But I knew from then I had to leave him alone, I finally decided that I stayed with him because I loved him more than I loved myself, Everyone else could see it but me. It's okay to follow your heart but if your brain is disagreeing with your heart, it's worth second guessing.

    1. I am happy you got out of that relationship! Sounds like it was toxic. New found Love in one self is always a good thing!

    2. I do understand were your coming from, and thank you for being honest. This is my problem, go with my heart or my brain. But my Brain is also saying: look at your pro's & con's. Everything that u wanted in a man you now almost have. Do u want to start again? Not at my age LOL!

    3. That's a good start! Start at the pros & Cons but the moment the Cons out way the pros.. You know what to do... Nobody wants to start over.. especially with the economy and the way it is....LOL

  5. Good Evening and thank you for joining us I just want to say thanks for all the anonymous writers.I just wanted to respond to Ms. 50 yr old grown ass woman, I read your post and your first sentence is I make bad choices.I want to say it sounds like you're doing it again you going to telling us you met this manand in 3 months you moved in with him, in those three months he went into a drunken rant and laid hands on you andhad his family not been there it probably would have gotten worse, and on top of that your children and family do not like him but the pros are that he is a functional alcoholic because he goes to work everyday???let me say this in the kindest way I can possibly say it, bye girl!!!!are you out of your damn mind first and foremost your 50 years old some of this s*** you should not even be accepted at 50 nor should I have to have a conversation with you about abuse and how unacceptable whether it is a slap, a push, or a tug when it becomes physical is a no no!!! Now I understand you love him and he makes you feel special by paying the bills.However you are an example for your children no matter how old they are and you really need to be mindful of what you put in to the world. I suggest you get help to deal with your self hate issues and he need AAA.if you both get counseling then you may be able to survive and have a successful relationship but as long as you continue to make bad choices you will attract those who will help you live it out! He is what we call a functioning addict, they have programs for folks like him. I believe in the idea of following your heart however God gave us common sense. RAE

  6. Dam! I like that response, its the truth Rae, 50 year old woman should have aquired more self love and respect then that. She still lookin for validation from a man. Thats just going to disapoint, I know that at 27. She is 50, I should be asking her for advise.

    1. We just want truth!!! I deal with being honest with myself and others around me. Rae

  7. I don't know, life is not happy anymore. My mom died and was killed by my dad after that I just was left with a empty soul.

  8. May i ask what type of relationship do you have with your dad after he killed your mom?

    1. I cut myself sometimes to numb my pain. I sleep with different guys to make me feel loved even though i know they don't give a fuck about me.

    2. Well, This is a serious situation, I am here for you, and You can talk to me whenever you want. I understand feeling unloved,and craving to fill that void. You need to find self Love, Love within yourself. I am so sorry to hear what happened to your mother. But you are strong. and you can get thru this. Cutting yourself isn't the answer. What's on your mind right now? -Cass

  9. My dad killed his self. So should I miss him?

  10. I hate my dad... he was nice to me only at night...that's why my mom and him got into it.

    1. Then there is nothing wrong with not missing your Father, or having feeling of Hate towards him or his actions. Did you ever seek counseling to get over what happened to you?

  11. You guys don't seem to care!!!! I came for HELP!!! WHO CARES FOR THE LITTLE GIRL INSIDE OF ME.

    1. I also was sexually Abused by a family member, and I was left feeling empty, I was desperately trying to fill the same void your trying to fill. I only advise you according to my personally experiences, and I seeked counseling for my depression, I seeked counseling for my Post Traumatic Stress disorder. I was collasping, and I don't want you to go thru that. I told you I am here and I am.. - Cass

  12. We care, we just want to approach your situation with love and understanding. I myself was molested by a family many yrs ago and it left me feeling helpless and unworthy of true love. I feel you hurt and most of all your disappointment.

    1. Forgiveness began with you and in that you can be set free.

  13. How do you forgive?

    1. Forgiveness starts with you, It starts with you understanding that You are not at fault for anything, You forgive by letting go of those painful memories, You accept those things you can't change. and You forgive your father, So that you can move on with your life and be a strong women for the future.- Cass

    2. My name is keisha and just want to say perhaps you need therapy to deal with these feelings.. you're in my prayers! !!

    3. Dear Keisha,

      Thanks for your honest opinion and support with this matter.

  14. This story is very sad. I appreciate that it has been shared here but this is a serious matter. I did hope that you have sought out professional help with this. Forgiveness takes time, it will not be over night. Also, though I'm not a very religious person myself maybe looking to a church group or something like that can help. I do hope you find a way to deal with this. I'll keep you in my prayers ~Nikki~

    1. Dear Nikki,
      Thanks for your honest opinion and support with this matter.

  15. I feel let down by God.... why this happened to me?

    1. Bad things happen to good people, Only to make us stronger, Your true testament to GOD and how strong you are , is evident by you posting here today, You was strong enough to get on here and share your story with us. You was strong enough to survive what happened to you. I know you are broken, and confused. But just know God will ALWAYS LOVE YOU!

  16. Dear Anonymous,

    Here is a Link to free online access to therapist, who are willing to help you. You can remain anonymous, I believe just like on here. May God be with you.

  17. Its nothing on here anyone can do for you anonymous. You can get sound advice but no one can take pain away or wave a magic wand. I agree with going to see a therapist and not keeping these feelings bottled up. Thats the 1ST Part to healing letting it out and letting it go. Realizing that you were the victim once doesn't mean you have to continue living life as a victim forever. Take your situation and get well and then when you're better help other men, women, and children with similar issues by telling your story.

  18. I want to be free of this heartache! !!! I understand all you guys... but I have no one....brothers were taken away ....

  19. I want to say this lightly. .. All things work out for the good. .. you're a survivor of a horrible situation. But you're here , living breathing and able to get out of this funk. 1st step is you reached out! 2nd step us getting therapy for some spiritual cleansing which I can help you with. Contact me!

  20. How are you going to be a help to others if your not here. You can help others that share your pain. There are so many people that can grow from someone like yourself. There are so many people that have grief and loss. So many people that can support you and you them if you seek for help. If you can be on this blog I'm sure you can google a therapist or find a group that share similiar situations such as your own. Take that step to get help.

  21. I agree with Sheila bond!!! There's a way to turn this around for your Good.Rae

    1. I want to live Sheila, I want to have babies....i want to trust but every time I let someone in they disappoint me... every time I tell my story people treat me different like I'm damaged goods.

    2. Not everyone will understand your journey, for those who don't understand will disappear or leave which is good it just leaves space for good people who won't judge you....hold on , be strong, don't give up

    3. Thank you all for being patient with me... i know I sound whiney but I really needed someone to share this pain with. Thank you for listening!

    4. Anytime Anonymous!

      That is what we are here for! Come back Often with updates!
      And remember If you going to tell it, Keep it 100!
      With Much love - Cass

  22. Then guess what... you thank God for getting that person out of your life. You may not see it but God and the universe just helped you save your time. Thats a gift. That means they aren't meant to be in your life. And God is moving them along for you to receive something better. When you realize your not damaged goods , that person will come in your life and things will turn . You have to think better of yourself. I know it seems far off but trust we've all been there.

  23. Thank you for opening up. And make sure you check in with rae n cass blog. Let us know how your doing and how far you have come along.

  24. Can't stand the nigga in my I don't want my peoples (brothers, and my dad) going to jail, over this piece of I wait, until he pulls it together, and find a place of his patience is wearing thin.

    1. The Dude in your Apt. Is he your man or a random squatter??

  25. Hmmmm how long has he been trying to get himself together?

  26. Kennedi, I been there know what you need to do w/O involving family.

  27. have you ladies fallen asleep? nothing new???


If You going to Tell it, keep it 100!